January 14, 2025 (Ethics)

Ethical Considerations in NC Guardianships

Presenter:  Marcus Almond, Esq.

Department Attorney, Catawba County Department of Social Services


February 11, 2025

Civil Commitment in North Carolina

Presenter:  Hilary R. Ventura, Esq.

Assistant Attorney General, NC Health and Human Services Division

Ms. Ventura will give an overview of the civil commitment process, including general civil commitments, voluntary commitments and civil commitments when a person is incapable to proceed with their legal proceeding due to mental illness.


April 8, 2025

Hot Button Wage and Hour Topics

Presenter:  Joshua R. Adams, Esq.

Jackson Lewis P.C., Charlotte, NC

**This CPE will be held via Zoom


May 13, 2025

Writing Tips for Drafting Emails, Correspondence and Legal Documents

Speaker TBD


June 10, 2025 (Ethics)



August 12, 2025

Odyssey and UCC Filing Issues

Presenter:  Adam L. Hall, Esq.

Vice President and State Counsel, Chicago Title

 **This CPE will be held via Zoom



Unless otherwise noted, all presentations are held at Catawba Valley Community College, 2550 US Hwy 70 SE, Hickory, NC in Room WW123 at 6:00 PM.  Presentations are one hour in length.  All programs are open to the general public and there is no fee for the general public to attend.  

Certified paralegals who are not CVPA members and wish to receive credit for this CPE will be charged a $25 certification fee.

If you are interested in presenting a CPE, please contact Laurie Hayden at lhayden@phd-law.com.



       The Catawba Valley Paralegal Association (CVPA) is looking for speakers for its  2025 membership year.

       Speaker, may, but need not be an attorney.

    The presentation can be on any topic (provided that the topic has not been presented in the past 2 years) and may be one hour to 90 minutes in length. CPEs are typically held at Catawba Valley Community College, but can also be held via Zoom if the speaker prefers.  Presentations begin at 6:00 PM.  An attorney presenter will receive 6 CLE credits and the CVPA will prepare the paperwork and pay the credit fee to the North Carolina State Bar. 

       If interested in presenting a CPE, please contact Laurie Hayden by phone at 828-358-2224 or by email at lhayden@phd-law.com.




November 8, 2016 - Representation of Clients who are Victims of Domestic Violence - Presented by Patrick D. Finn Jr., Esq. 

September 13, 2016 - E-Recording from the Register of Deeds' Perspective; Updates Affecting Register of Deeds Office; and Changes in New Notary Manual -Presented by Donna Hicks Spencer, Catawba County Register of Deeds


August 9, 2016 - North Carolina Business Court - Presented by Joshua R. Adams, Esq.


June 14, 2016 - Ethics in Private Investigations - Presented by Ruth Reynolds and John LaRue


May 10, 2016 - Absolute Divorce and Its Affects - Presented by Vanessa B. Hawkins, Esq.


April 12, 2016 - E-Recording - Presented by Marc Arrowood, Regional Sales Director of Simplifile


February 9, 2016 - Family Contrcts vs. Court Orders - Pros and Cons of Each - Presented by Derek L. Mace, Esq.


January 12, 2016 - Ethics Update 2016 - Presented by David F. Mofford, Esq.



November 10, 2015 - Third Party Custody Rights - Presented by Wesley E. Starnes, Esq.


September 8, 2015 - All Aspects of Adoption - Presented by Jennifer E. Eckard, Esq.


August 11, 2015 - Land Surveyor's Working Relationship with Attorneys and Paralegals - Presented by Darrin Reid, Professional Land Surveyor


June 9, 2015 - Misdemeanor Sentencing - Presented by Blair E. Cody III, Esq.


May 12, 2015 - Judicial Ethics - Presented by The Honorable Mark L. Killian


April 15, 2015 - Expunction Law 1-1 - Presented by Hilary R. Ventury, Staff Attorney, Legal Aid of North Carolina, Inc.


February 10, 2015 - Equitable Distribution - Presented by Derek Mace, Attorney at Law with Hawkins & Mace, PLLC


January 13, 2015 - Professionalism, Ethics and Effective Representation - Presented by William E. Morgan, Attorney at Law



November 18, 2014 - Dealing with DSS Presented by Valeree R. Adams, Attorney with Catawba County Department of Social Services 

September 9, 2014 - Understanding Public Education Presented by Crystal A. Davis, in-house attorney for Catawba County Schools and partner of Crowe & Davis, P.A.

Discussion will include:  The Role of a Public School Board Attorney, Public vs. Private/Charter Schools, and Interplay of Education Law and Civil and Criminal Litigation

June 10, 2014 - Ethical Issues in a Technological World Presented by Neal R. Bevans, a current member of the Georgia Bar, published author and instructor at Western Piedmont Community College

This CPE deals with the impact of social media, e-mail, and modern technology on the age-old obligation of confidentiality for clients.

May 13, 2014 - Scientific Jury Selection 101 Presented by Major David Munday (Ret.) of BlueLine Advantage

April 8, 2014 - Dealing With the Emotional Impact of Crimes on Victims Presented by Brenda Brewer, ADA and Tammy Huffman West, Administrative Assistant, Catawba County District Attorney's Office

Syllabus: Different Cases, Different Emotions; Services Available to Victims; Compensation; Compassion Fatigue; and Taking Care of You.

February 11, 2014 - Jury Selection Presented by Jason White, Esq., Sigmon, Clark, Mackie, Hanvey & Ferrell, P.A.

January 14, 2014 - The Attorney-Client-Paralegal Relationship - Presented by Attorney William E. Morgan of Morgan Law, PLLC


November 12, 2013 - Defending Willie Grimes: The Discovery Process

Presented by
Robert E. Campbell, Attorney at Law

214 Main Avenue Dr, Taylorsville, NC 28681

2nd from Left, Attorney Robert E. Campbell standing beside Willie Grimes

CPE Discussion to include:
Mistaken Identity, Hidden Evidence, Sanctions,
Wrongful Conviction, and Pertinent Discovery Case Law


Some of the News Coverage Surrounding This Newsworthy Trial:
Man declared innocent of 1987 rape for which he had served more than 24 years.
The Willie Grimes overturned rape conviction is the North Carolina Innocence Inquiry Commission's fourth exoneration since the group was established in 2006.

It took the three-judge panel less than 30 minutes to decide that Willie Grimes was innocent of a 1987 rape conviction for which he had served more than 24 years.

Judge David Lee read the panel decision, and said the charges of rape and kidnapping were dismissed, as well as having Grimes' name removed immediately from the sex-offender registry. Then Lee paraphrased the Rev. Martin Luther King’s famous 1963 speech and said, “Free at last. Free at last. Thank God Almighty. Thank Jehovah, Willie Grimes is free at last!”

District Attorney Jay Gaither told the judges, “The State cannot argue any conclusion other than for the innocence in the case of Willie Grimes.” He then rested the state’s case and sat down.

Christina Mumma, Director of The North Carolina Center on Actual Innocence in charge of Grimes’ defense, said she would not go through a thorough repetition of the evidence presented over the week in light of Gaither’s statement.

She said evidence that could have overturned Grimes conviction had been either lost or destroyed. She lauded Grimes for his persistence of innocence “to anyone who would listen,” and at one point preferring to stay in prison rather than be labeled as something he wasn’t.

In overturning his conviction, Mumma said, “It is our hope that through this review process Willie Grimes can overturn his injured faith in the judicial system as well.”

When asked about the State’s position on the case, Gaither said, “My office is about seeking the truth, and we never play ‘hide the ball’ for anybody or any reason. In this week’s presentation of evidence we counted no less than 35 pieces of evidence and testimony in support of innocence for Willie Grimes. The fact that the three-judge panel was so emphatic in its conclusion and decision only strengthens the confidence I have in our decision.

Among those in the courtroom were Greg Taylor and Dwayne Dail. Both men served prison sentences and were exonerated later through assistance from the North Carolina Center on Actual Innocence.

When asked if the DA’s office would follow up on any of the evidence and testimony, Gaither replied that Judge Arnold Fox noted the discrepancies between the testimonies of Steve Hunt and Linda McDowell over whether she had acted as an informant for the police. She had denied being an informant, and Hunt testified she had been.

Judge Fox commented on the state’s creation of the North Carolina Innocence Inquiry Commission and the North Carolina Center on Actual Innocence in providing a forum for review of cases where there is concern over the criminal and judicial process. Fox said, “This is perhaps one of the best changes in the judicial system in North Carolina in the last 100 years.”

Grimes, 66, was convicted and served time for the 1987 rape of a 69-year-old woman in Hickory. In July 1988, a jury found Grimes guilty of two counts of first-degree rape and one count of second-degree kidnapping and he was given a life sentence in prison.

Grimes was released on parole in May after spending more than 24 years in prison for the crime he has said he did not commit.

The three-judge panel began hearing arguments and testimony Monday.

The eight-member Innocence Commission held its hearing on Grimes’ case in April and unanimously agreed that enough credible evidence exists to refer Grimes’ case to a three-judge panel.

"On behalf of the district attorney's office and the state of North Carolina, I want to offer an apology to Willie Grimes," said Catawba County District Attorney Jay Gaither.

* * * * * *

Legal expert Stan Adelman says the Grimes case shows a shift in the type of the cases the commission is now willing to tackle. Experts say the Grimes innocence hearing was not dependent on DNA testing.

“As far as this particular case here in North Carolina we are starting to see around the country a is further level,” said Adelman.

According to state law, people who are exonerated like Grimes could be compensated $50,000 for every year served behind bars.


September 10, 2013 - Estate Administration Presented by Kimberly H. Whitley, Esq., Patrick, Harper & Dixon L.L.P.

August 13, 2013 -  Social Secuity Disability Presented by Fred Pike, Groome, Tuttle, Pike & Blair, LLP

June 11, 2013 - Ethics Presented by Randy Isenhower, Attorney at Law

May 14, 2013 - Construction Lien Law Presented by David W. Hood, Esq., Patrick, Harper & Dixon L.L.P.

April 9, 2013 - Bankruptcy Law Presented by Steven G. Tate, Attorney at Law

February 12, 2013 - Estate Planning in a Nutshell  Presented by Susannah Lynn Brown of Anthony & Brown, PLLC 

January 8, 2013 - Ethics and the Paralegal: Surviving the Ethical Minefield Presented by Steven C. Lian, Attorney at Law and Professor at Western Piedmont Community College


November 13, 2012 - Retirement Accounts, Types, Value, Distribution and Taxes Presented by Derek Mace, Attorney at Law

September 11, 2012 - Foreclosure Defense Presented by Rufus F. Walker, Attorney at Law

August 14, 2012 - The Role of the County Attorney Presented by Debra Bechtel, Catawba County Attorney

June 12, 2012 - Conflicts of Interest Presented by Rachael A. LeClair, Attorney at Law

May 8, 2012 - Electronic Dixcovery Presented by Eric Farr, Chief Legal Assistant, District Attorney’s Office, 25th Prosecutorial District

April 10, 2012 - Organizational Structure of the Clerk of Superior Court  Presented by The Honorable Al Jean Bogle, Clerk of Superior Court for Catawba County

February 14, 2012 - Personal Injury and What It Means Presented by Scott A. Matthews, Attorney at Law

January 10, 2012 - The Unauthorized Practice of Law Presented by William E. Morgan, Attorney at Law


September 13, 2011 - A Primer on Probate Presented by Shirley Herman Anthony, Esq.

August 9, 2011 - Collections and Judgments Presented by William E. Morgan, Esq., Morgan Law, PLLC

June 14, 2011 - Foreclosures Presented by Kimberly H. Whitley, Esq., Patrick, Harper & Dixon L.L.P.

May 10, 2011- Notary Public Laws Review Presented by Donna Spencer, Catawba County Register of Deeds

April 12, 2011 - Summary Ejectment Actions Presented by Andrew Cogdell, Legal Aid of Morganton

March 8, 2011 - Ethics and Technology 2.0 - Implictions for Confidentiality and Inadvertent Disclosure in an Electronic Era" Presented by Leslie D. McKesson, Ed.S., NCCP & Director of Paralegal Technology at WPCC


November 9, 2010 - Roles of a Guardian Ad Litem & Parenting Coordinator Presented by Jennifer Fulkerson, Attorney at Law

September 2010 - Trusts and Estates Presented by Charles D. Dixon, Esq. and G. Maurice Capps, CPA

August 2010 - Current Legal Issues in Foreclosure Presented by Susan Janney, Attorney at Law

June 2010 - Separation Agreements, Confession of Judgments and Consent Orders  Presented by Vanessa B. Hawkins, Attorney at Law

May 11, 2010 - N.C. Criminal Procedure : From Start to Finish   Presented by Blair "Tripp" Cody III, Attorney at Law

April 13, 2010 - Criminal Law - "The Motley Career" Presented by D. Shawn Clark, Attorney at Law

February 2010 - Property Interests in City Streets Presented by John Furmage, City of Hickory Surveyor

January 12,2010 -  Ethics - Hot Topics in UPL and Confidentiality Presented by Leslie D. McKesson, Ed.S., NCCP


November 2009 - Criminal Jurisprudence in North Carolina  Presented by Wes Barkley, Attorney at Law

September 2009 - Adoption in North Carolina  Presented by Carolyn Crouch, Attorney at Law

August 2009 - Employment Law: The Basics  Presented by Michael P. Thomas, Attorney at Law

June 2009 - Domestic Violence  Presented by John Cutchin, Attorney at Law

May 2009 - Bankruptcy  Presented by Barrett Crawford, Attorney at Law

February 9, 2009 - Mediations in Equitable Distribution and Other Family Financial Cases  Presented by Lewis E. Waddell, Jr., Attorney at Law

January 2009 - Ethics Seminar  Presented by William Morgan, Associate Attorney at Patrick, Harper & Dixon L.L.P.


November 2008 - Elder Law  Presented by Martin E. Steele, Esq., of Gorham, Crone, Green & Steele, LLP

August 2008 - Update on Wills, Healthcare Powers of Attorney and Living Wills in North Carolina
Presented by Terry Taylor and Henry Morphis, Attorneys at Law

June 2008 - Document Destruction/Archiving  Presented by Brook Hobgood, CITRMS, Shred-it and F. Scott McQueen, Virtual Image Technology