2025 Community Outreach Project

On February 8, 2025, members of the CVPA will be volunteering at the NC Advocates for Justice High School Mock Trial Regional Competition at the Catawba County Courthouse in Newton, NC in a number of capacities, including jurors, scoring director, courtroom monitors, and manning the information desk. 

Volunteers are still needed. To sign up to volunteer, vist: https://ncmocktrial.org/get-involved/volunteer/



Fall/Winter 2023
CVPA Lynn Price Memorial Scholarship Recipient:


Emma is enrolled in the paralegal technology program at Western Piedmont Community College.

If you would like to make a donation to the scholarship, please mail your check to:


PO Box 3068

Hickory, NC 28603

In the memo section of your check, write: Scholarship Donation.



 CVPA Paralegal Scholarship at Western Piedmont Community College

Renamed the CVPA Lynn Price Memorial Scholarship after Lynn's passing on July 16, 2013

The Catawba Valley Paralegal Association Paralegal Scholarship was officially established on June 7, 2013.  The scholarship was renamed the CVPA Lynn Price Memorial Scholarship after the passing of Lynn Price, a founder and the first President of the CVPA, on July 16, 2013. 

The CVPA scholarship was established to assist two full-time paralegal students at WPCC with the cost of textbooks and supplies. One $1,000 scholarship is funded by the CVPA per academic year in increments of two $500 scholarships awarded for the fall and spring semesters. The first $500 scholarship was presented by Western Piedmont Foundation, Inc. in the summer of 2013 for the fall semester.

The awards are authorized by the Executive Director of Western Piedmont Foundation, Inc. and Director of Financial Aid, as recommended by the WPCC Financial Aid Subcommittee. Scholarship award guidelines include that timely application must be made by the applicant to the Financial Aid Office by the deadline each year.  Applicants must maintain satisfactory academic progress standards, and be enrolled in the Associate Paralegal Technology degree program at WPCC. Part of the application process is the completion of a personal essay concerning the paralegal profession, with the exact topic to be decided and selection of winning essay to be judged by a panel of judges selected by WPCC. Applicants must have completed a minimum of 24 credit hours toward the degree. A minimum GPA of 3.5 is required, and preference will be given to those who demonstrate active participation in the WPCC community activities, including campus activities and community involvement. Recipients of the CVPA Lynn Price Memorial Scholarship receive a complimentary one-year membership to the CVPA as a student member and are highly encouraged to attend at least one meeting of the CVPA.

WPCC has graduated a number of qualified paralegal students who are  successfully employed in legal environments throughout our district. These scholarships are our small way of giving back to a school that helped some of our members when they began their paralegal careers.  The CVPA Board of Directors is pleased to further one of our objectives and purposes by and through this Community Outreach project.  We will continue to promote the paralegal profession through community service activities, including the CVPA Lynn Price Memorial Scholarship.


Remembering and Honoring Lynn Price

A founding member of the Catawba Valley Paralegal Association, fellow paralegal and dear friend, Lynn Price, lost her courageous and long-fought battle with cancer on July 16, 2013.  Lynn leaves behind a proud legacy of service to the legal community, having worked for attorney John Fuller for 22 years.  Lynn was the first active president of the CVPA.  Under her guidance and leadership, she set us on the path to becoming the strong and meaningful paralegal association that we are today. She was spirited and passionate for the causes she supported -- not only the CVPA -- but breast cancer research, juvenile diabetes and animal rights, among others.

Consider making a donation to the CVPA Lynn Price Memorial Scholarship.  In order for your donation to the scholarship to be tax deductible, your check must be payable to Western Piedmont Foundation, Inc., and sent directly to the Foundation (address below). Please be sure to note: CVPA Lynn Price Memorial Scholarship on the check. We understand that the Foundation will provide a receipt to all donors who may use the receipt in connection with a tax deduction.

Western Piedmont Foundation, Inc.

1001 Burkemont Avenue

Morganton, NC 28655

You may also mail your check payable to CVPA with the scholarship information in the memo line of your check.  Or, give your check to any board member.

Thank you for your support of this worthy cause. 



Children's Book Station; The Corner Table; Women's Resource Center; Pregnancy Care Center of Catawba Valley; Catawba County Humane Society; Longview Elementary School; Maiden Elementary School; DSS Emergency Children's Fund and Catawba County Christmas Bureau for families in need during the holiday season.