Welcome to the Catawba Valley Paralegal Association (CVPA) website! The CVPA continues to serve the 25th Judicial District, which includes Burke, Caldwell and Catawba Counties. However, membership is available to residents of all North Carolina counties.
Membership in the CVPA is open to paralegals (certified and noncertified), legal assistants, students in paralegal programs, paralegal educators, employees of judicial entities and/or other commonly recognized legal agencies.
● Encourage the highest order of ethical and professional conduct in the paralegal profession;
● Further education and encourage the exchange of information among the members in the legal profession;
● Establish good fellowship among the CVPA members and members of the legal community;
● Promote the paralegal profession through community service activities;
● Establish a network of paralegals to share ideas and information;
● Provide a local forum for paralegals to share knowledge, ideas and experiences;
● Increase attorney awareness of the value of efficient utilization of paralegals; and
● Elevate the status of paralegals in the Catawba Valley area and elsewhere through education and community outreach activities.
● Benefits to members include networking, CPE credits, job bank, leadership opportunities, professional and personal growth.
Relate to different types of law so that all paralegals have the opportunity to learn ways of expanding their experience in their specific area of interest.
Membership, Continuing Paralegal Education (CPE), Newsletter, Social Media, Publicity, Fundraising, Social/Networking and Community Outreach.
Money raised through Fundraising is used to support the Lynn Price Memorial Scholarship awarded twice a year to a paralegal technology student attending Western Piedmont Community College, our website, fund presentations and pay for Certification Application Fees for Certified Paralegal Education, which helps our members maintain their certification with the NC State Bar. Funds are also used to pay honorariums and cover administrative costs such as office supplies, postage, etc.
We are looking for sponsors to assist with programs, funding and paralegal education. In return, we offer goodwill advertising, job bank, networking and more.
*Our year is from January 1 through December 31.*
Please contact CVPA at: catawbavalleyparalegalassoc@gmail.com
Catawba Valley Paralegal Association
PO Box 3068, Hickory, NC 28603